Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oooh, Massage!

Today after my workout, I was very sore. I haven't been sleeping well and I have really kicked up my workouts. My body was screaming at me--tense and unhappy. Fortunately, I was able to take an hour and a half and get a relaxation massage. Well worth the time and money, folks. To lie down for 90 minutes with only the sounds of nature (albeit recorded :) ) was so nice. It is good to have human touch that doesn't require anything in return. Not a lover's touch, or a child with their long list of things they need or want you to do for them; but just the well-trained hands of a specialist literally rubbing the cares of the world away. With the relaxing of my tense muscles my mind was also able to rest. I left refocused and refreshed--a definite improvement from how I went in! :)

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