Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Laundry--And Why I Enjoy Doing It!

A Facebook friend of mine recently lamented that he had laundry to do. A group of women at my church were excited about an activity next month that would include learning how to make our own inexpensive and effective laundry soap. The pile of laundry on my "to-do" list seemed to multiply overnight (actually, with a few children who still wet the bed, that did happen)!!!

Laundry seems to have been on many people's minds this week. I began to evaluate how I felt about laundry. Actually, it is one of my favorite chores. That may be surprising to some, but I really enjoy the feeling I receive when dirty clothes go into the washer and come out clean. I'm sure if we did not have the convenience of a washer--and had to depend on the old fashioned washboard--my feelings toward laundry would probably change. But laundry, the modern way, is an enjoyable responsibility.

A clothesline--to me, that is the laundress's dream! I enjoyed one is Alabama, but they are pretty useless here in humid Louisiana. There is something so relaxing about hanging sweet-smelling, freshly laundered clothes on a line. The methodical process of hanging the clothes gives plenty of time to let thoughts wander. Sometimes I plan my upcoming days; other times I use this time outdoors to say a quiet prayer in my heart. I might think of an interesting book I've read, or hum a favorite song. It really is the kind of required responsibility that leaves the mind open to many possibilities. Then, there is the secret pleasure of seeing those clean clothes swaying in the breeze. Yes, I definitely believe it to be my favorite chore.

Too much of anything, though, can be overwhelming. At this point in my life, with 6 small children contributing to the laundry load (and not yet old enough to significantly help--at age 12 they will take over responsibility for the vast majority of their personal wash), I can sometimes feel defeated. There is so little time when all the laundry is washed, dried, folded, and put away. Last year I was able to help the situation greatly by purchasing two washers and two dryers. This has been a great blessing to my life. Not only does the laundry room stay neater, but the entire process has literally been halved. Definitely one of the better purchases we have made!

I love the scent of Gain Laundry Soap and April Fresh Downy Fabric Softener. They have been my personal standbys for over twelve years. I am excited, though, about learning to make my own. I can imagine a small burst of pride at using my own homemade laundry soap (perhaps scented with a lovely lavender essential oil). I will definitely give it a try and see if cleans as well and smells as good as what I use now. I will post later on this subject once I have more information.


  1. Being a native in a non-humid country I have to ask: Is there a huge difference between humidity in Alabama and Louisiana?

  2. Yes. Southern Louisiana is much more humid than North Central Alabama. But, Houston has both beat when it comes to humidity...
