I just finished reading a post that brought up a very real problem inherent in social media. By its very nature, we control the information that we distribute about ourselves. In effect, we paint the picture of our lives that we would like our friends, families, acquaintances, and even strangers to see. What moments in our lives do we want to share with others? The perfect hair cut, or the bed head? The artfully decorated birthday cake or the one that had six children "assisting" in the process (and looks it!)? The happy Disney vacation, or the miserable 13 hour car ride getting there? I have a beautiful life. It is a gorgeous long-stemmed blush pink rose, tinged with dew. And thorns. Quite a few thorns. But isn't that life? Isn't that what we are here on Earth for? We have moments of bliss and minutes of sorrow and hours of relative boredom. And it's okay. So, in order to temper all the lovely blush pink, dew-tinged gorgeousness that I present on facebook regularly, I'm going to share some thorns. Again.

Sometimes children are going to get dirty and look like rednecks and there won't be anything we can do about it. Especially if they've spent the day fishing with their Pop Pop...

Sometimes children will show very little table manners. It seems to occur more frequently when one is dining at a restaurant. Go figure...

At times a knife and a fork will be used. Proper results are not guaranteed.

Scrapes and bruises and runny noses are part of the childhood experience. John John believes in living this part of childhood to it's fullest extent...

Along with scrapes and bruises, let's add bee stings. Sure, why not? And how about bee stings right before school starts for the new year!!

Children are great dressers. Especially on Sunday mornings when every one is in a rush to make it on time!

Sometimes kids cry a little on the first day of school. Sometimes moms do, too. And sometimes they throw a party. ;)

Sometimes little girls break their foot and get bone infections that require surgery, hospitalization, and intravenous drugs through a central line. Sometimes that happens.

Sometimes you don't win the Pinewood Derby. Sometimes you get third place. Sometimes there are only three contestants and it isn't fun to come in last. It happens sometimes, though.

Sometimes little children make big messes when they're trying to help their mommas cook. And sometimes they look like little orphans who have no one to care for them while they are doing it...

Sometimes kids get a little spaghetti on their white shirts. It happens.

Sometimes little girls like to sneak into their mommy's make up and make a big expensive mess. Sometimes they manage to look quite lovely while they are doing it...

Sometimes big sisters can really work over baby brothers with only a wooden swing and a concrete floor. As a parent I have learned what Christ meant when he said that we must become as little children to inherit the kingdom of God. He immediately forgave her and was back to his smiling self in no time...

Sometimes kids just make big old sticky icky messes and give no thought at all to what kind of day their mom might be having. If it was bad, it just got worse. If it was good, it just went downhill, so maybe it didn't matter anyway???

Sometimes big sisters dress their little brothers up like girls. And then their mothers take pictures of it and put it on facebook. The horror!

Sometimes we have beautiful locks and sometimes we have, uh, this...
So in the words of my beloved Gordon B. Hinckley:
“Life is just like an old time rail journey ... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.”
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