Monday, May 23, 2011

Cousin's Camp 2011

Each year we try to have a week or so of "Cousin's Camp". This is a time for the family to get together and have fun. Sometimes we do activities, go out to eat, watch movies, or just hang out together. It is a great time for the children to strengthen their relationships with each other. It is always enjoyable and exhausting! This year for Cousin's Camp we went to a park, played water games, had Noah's baptism, and went on an airboat ride in the bayou. Tomorrow we have a birthday party at Chuck e Cheese and swimming at the pool. Then on Wednesday, Jeff is taking the older ones to play Laser Tag.

It has been a very full house. Besides Jeff, me, and our own six children, we have had my parents, Jeff's parents, my sister and her eight children, Rachel, Travis, and Eloise for a grand total of 24! Fortunately we have had the space with this house. I am certainly grateful for it at times like these. (Please forgive the mess in this picture! All the children were holed up in the media room to sleep--and it shows! ;). Luke and Andrew were napping and not in the picture.)

We had a wonderful time Friday night. The adults went to Bocage and Houmas House. It was very enjoyable to spend time together and enjoy each other's company. This was especially true of Noah's baptism. I am so proud of Noah and his decision to be baptized. I know his Heavenly Father is so very proud of him, too. He was eager to make this special covenant and my heart is so full of happiness at his faith. What a blessing he is! Jeff and I stayed later for the Ellis' children's baptisms. It was sweet to see them make this special choice. When we got home, Noah had a "low episode" and the boys saw him almost have a seizure. It was the first time they had ever witnessed it and I think they have a better understanding of how serious diabetes is. He recovered quickly after we fed him grapes and soda--not the best to bring someone up from lows, but it was readily available. We took pictures and enjoyed the rest of the evening together.

Noah is thrilled to be a Cub Scout. He is working on his Bobcat now--and loving every minute of it! I know that he will excel at this program. It really fits his outdoors-loving personality perfectly. Even though many days are so tiring--as I look at how precious these children are--I am so grateful for the privilege of being their mother.

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